UO Assistant Football Coach May Feel Domino Effect of DUI

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UO Assistant Football Coach May Feel Domino Effect of DUI

UO Assistant Football Coach May Feel Domino Effect of DUI

The “Domino Effect” of DUI appears to be playing out in Oregon. David Reaves, the University of Oregon assistant football coach, was arrested on Saturday, January 22, 2017, on DUI charges sources say.  “A spokesman for the university said Reaves has been placed on administrative leave, and the process to terminate his employment has started.” [1]

Legal Analysis by Attorney Darren Kavinoky

Unfortunately, the loss of a job is an all too common domino effect of a DUI arrest.  Even before a jury has heard the case, the court of public opinion speaks and individuals arrested on charges of DUI start to experience a quick and harsh fallout.  Remember, a DUI charge doesn’t equal an automatic conviction.

Sadly, there is a lot of junk science and user operator error that makes breath tests and blood tests inaccurate. My team has seen hundreds of cases dismissed because the individual arrested was not actually at or above the legal limit at the time of driving or arrest. Some examples of issues we’ve encountered are testing machines that aren’t calibrated properly, people who for medical reasons are not a candidate for roadside gymnastics or a breath test, blood samples that are mishandled, and even outside chemicals in the air that the machine can detect as alcohol like certain cleaning solutions that give skewed and bad results.
[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none” inject=”via @DarrenKavinoky”]”It’s possible for you to remove your own appendix but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!”[/tweet_box]

If you are arrested for a DUI and don’t immediately hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer with a proven track record of winning, aside from facing fines and jail time, you risk losing your driver’s license, a number of professional licenses, and your job. And if the DUI leads to you being let go from a job or jail time it can have devastating effects on the financial security of your home and family life. This is what we at 1.800.NoCuffs call the “Domino Effect.”

Choosing a lawyer who will fight your DUI charge is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. When people ask me if it’s possible that they can defend themselves, my standard reply is, “It’s possible for you to remove your own appendix but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!”

If you want to avoid the “Domino Effect” of a DUI, hire a criminal defense attorney right away. Look for someone with years of experience, memberships in professional organizations, specialized training, a track record of success and team with the expertise and know how to prove the junk science wrong.

For more information click to watch the video below:
1800 No Cuffs Domino Effect of DUI

Domino Effect of DUI

1. Staff. January 22, 2017. KOIN 6. “UO assistant football coach charged with DUI, to be fired.” .
