Auto Insurance

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Auto Insurance

For those who have been charged with any type of drinking and driving offense, such as DUI, or driving under the influence of drugs (DUID), getting auto insurance is a considerable problem. If someone has either a drunk driving conviction or has had action sustained against their driving privileges by the DMV, many car insurance carriers will deny them coverage.

Just as someone needs help with their legal situation, it is imperative to get expert advice regarding their auto insurance situation for a person charged with any type of drinking and driving offense. Though everyone insured by a large car insurance company recognizes the value of the financial strength and support they receive, once many national auto insurance carriers learn of an impending drunk driving situation, they will immediately reject their applications.

There are other car insurance needs that apply subsequent a DUI conviction or a license suspension action by the Department of Motor Vehicles in addition to the difficulty in finding auto insurance coverage following a drunk driving arrest. One of these needs is the filing of an SR-22 Proof of Insurance Certificate. This certificate is not the standard insurance card issued by auto insurance providers. The SR-22 Proof of Insurance Certificate is required only for people who have a drunk driving conviction or been subjected to a DMV Administrative Action.

Requesting an SR-22 from your insurance provider will immediately alert the company that there is a pending DUI conviction, or action, to factor into any insurance quote since there is no reason other than a drunk driving offense for a driver to need the certificate. It is vital to confer with an insurance professional to obtain the most accurate advice on handling auto insurance needs following a drunk driving arrest, conviction or DMV administrative action.