California DUI Laws and Penalties Under 21

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California DUI Laws and Penalties Under 21

There are special laws in California for persons under 21 who are arrested for DUI. Just like with people over 21, there are two separate prosecutions: the DMV (who is trying to take away the persons driver’s license) and the criminal court (who is trying to impose other types of punishment, like jail, fines, mandatory classes relating to the dangers of alcohol consumption, and so on.) However, the punishment is more severe for persons under 21, especially with the DMV under California’s “Zero Tolerance” laws.

The effect of these “Zero Tolerance” laws is to make things tougher on those under 21 who are caught driving with any hint of impairment due to alcohol. The under-21 driver can have their driver’s license taken away by the DMV if their Blood Alcohol Level is .01 or greater, they can be charged with a violation of Vehicle Code Section 23140 (under-21 DUI) if their BAC is .05 or greater, and they can be charged under the same DUI laws as adults, all at the same time. It is important to have professional help, to ensure that youthful mistakes don’t have lifelong consequences.

If you or someone you care about is under 21, and charged with a DUI or related offense, please contact a Southern California DUI lawyer in your area. Many DUI cases can be successfully defended. Before you even think about pleading guilty, please talk to someone who knows this particular area of the law.

› Under 21 DMV Information
› Under 21 Criminal Court Information